Llewellyn Bust and Sarah Bust  (detail), print on gyprock and pine.

Llewellyn Bust and Sarah Bust (detail), print on gyprock and pine.

  Llewellyn Bust and Sarah Bust , print on gyprock and pine.

Llewellyn Bust and Sarah Bust, print on gyprock and pine.

  Sunflower,  carboard, acrylic, clay, tape and metal poles.

Sunflower, carboard, acrylic, clay, tape and metal poles.

  Llewellyn Bust and Sarah Bust  (detail), print on gyprock and pine.
  Llewellyn Bust and Sarah Bust , print on gyprock and pine.
  Sunflower,  carboard, acrylic, clay, tape and metal poles.

Llewellyn Bust and Sarah Bust (detail), print on gyprock and pine.

Llewellyn Bust and Sarah Bust, print on gyprock and pine.

Sunflower, carboard, acrylic, clay, tape and metal poles.

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